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Almeria is a coastal city with beautiful scenery and beaches surrounded by inside arid and semi-desert lands. Their situation they find the distance with other Andalusian provinces of 185 Km. From Granada, 219 Km. From Malaga, 227 Km. Of Jaén, 305 Km. Of Córdoba, 409 km. From Sevilla and 550 inhabitants are known Km.Sus as Almerienses. Almeria was founded in 955 by the Caliph of Cordoba, Abd ar-Rahman III, who called Al-mariyat which means "mirror of the sea" to guard the coast in order to prevent the landing and invasion of the Normans . If you visit Almeria and want to know their sites more visits two tourists you should visit: The Alcazaba of Almeria (it is the largest fortress built by the Moors in Spain), the Cathedral of Almeria, Old Town Square, and especially its main attraction it is tapas, since in most hospitality businesses, to ask for a glass of beer offer free cover (usually fish of the land). Also if you are lucky enough to be in fair Almeria time do not forget to attend a bullfight undoubtedly be an unforgettable experience


Enrique Ponce, Juan Ortega, Roca Rey tickets
Plaza de toros de Almería, Almería.
Daniel Ruiz
21/08/2024 19:00
Fernando Adrián, Paco Ureña, Jorge Martínez tickets
Plaza de toros de Almería, Almería.
Castillejo de Huebra
22/08/2024 19:00
Pablo Hermoso de Mendoza, Morante de la Puebla, Alejandro.. tickets
Plaza de toros de Almeria, Almeria.
Romao Tenorio
23/08/2024 19:00

Roquetas de Mar

No bullfights available for Roquetas de Mar.


No bullfights available for Vera.
Call us: 655 430 455, Office hours: from 10:00 to 14:00 and 17:00 to 20:00
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